Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happiest of Holidays!

I just wanted to let all of you know that I am so grateful that you are a part of this Barefoot journey with me.  Whether you just started, or have been a part of Barefoot longer than myself, I hope that your Christmas is warm, sweet and full of love.  I also hope that 2011 brings wonderful opportunities for you to grow your business and realize your dreams.  
All the best to you and yours! 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Getting Started on this Journey

I have people ask me all the time about starting their own Barefoot Books business.  "Is it hard?" "What does it take to be successful?"  "How do I get started?"
I started my Barefoot Books business when my oldest son was 9 months old.  A friend of mine sent me a link to the Barefoot website and said "I think you would love this!"  At the time we were both building green businesses, and she was right, I DID love it.  Believe it or not, it was not the books that first caught my eye, but Barefoot's commitment to being a green publisher that really got me.  I signed up, and have not looked back.  Running my own business is what I really like to do.  I love the flexibility, the ability to use my creativity, and I really like calling my own shots.  
Sure, there are risks to running your own business, and you have to be driven.  As of yet, I have not found any business that does not have risks, or that does not require you to work at it.  If you find one, let me know! ;)  But for me, there is something about working for myself and my family that really inspires me.  My business is my family's business; we are all involved in it.  From my husband loading and unloading my car, to my boys "helping" to unpack boxes or "test out" the puppets, this is our adventure.  In May, I will have three years of Barefoot under my belt. 

My little Barefoot helpers
The best part of going Barefoot is that there are many ways to run your business.  Here are some of ways I run mine:

- Teachers' conferences- I do several of these each year.  There is nothing like getting in front of your target audience of book lovers and introducing them to great, quality books.  Many of them have never seen our books, and those that have want more. 

-Book Fairs- I love doing book fairs in schools.  Barefoot is such a nice alternative to Scholastic, and parents really appreciate the difference.  I tend to do book fairs at Montessori, and other preschools, as well as some grade schools.  Getting books with great stories and content in the hands of kids is really important.  They are so bombarded with different characters from TV in their books every day that they don't even recognize good books anymore. 

-Outdoor events- From Farmers' Markets to green events to art fairs, I have done them all.  When the elements are on your side, there is nothing like being outdoors!  Make sure you have a sturdy, protective tent, and you are all set!  Bring on the natural landscape and let it highlight your beautiful titles!  Now is the time to start looking for events in the summer, as many of them fill up quickly.  If you live in Florida or Arizona, you get the luxury of selling outdoors all year round!

-Home Parties- I have done a few of these, but don't do them very often.  The ones I have done were pretty successful, it's just that doing a small home party is usually as much work as doing a larger event that has more people.  Many Ambassadors do these exclusively and are very successful.  I just tend to choose something with more attendees.

-Online Marketing- When done well, this can really boost your bottom line.  Do I think it can be all you do?  Not really.  It takes years to build your business, and establish great relationships with your customers.  I have an extensive mailing list that I contact about once a month with sales, new titles and special offers.  I built that list from the events I have done, and keeping in touch with my customers is very helpful.  I use Constant Contact to manage my list.  It is a service I pay for, but I really like the quality of the emails I send, and I think they look very professional.  So far, my monthly emails have more than paid for themselves.  If you want to do something cheaper, try MailChimp, but the point is, keep in contact with your customers!  

So what's the first step?  I'd suggest getting in touch with friends and family and letting them know about your new business.  They might have some contacts and suggestions for you.  Then, I would plan a great launch party for your Barefoot business.  We'll talk more about this in my next post, but start giving it some thought. :)

Happiest of Holidays to you and your family!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Book Fair, Book Fair, Open House, Oy!

To say it has been a busy week is an understatement!  I was very lucky to land two great book fairs this week.  One is a unique school called The Compass School in Naperville, the other is a Montessori preschool that was very successful last year.  Saturday will be an Open House at a dance studio in a nearby town.  All great things!  The problem?  I have absolutely no voice!  How can I sell Barefoot Books without a voice?!  I am able to whisper, which is a good thing.  At least I can communicate!  And whispering has the advantage of making people really stop and listen to what I'm saying.   To be honest, it's even working here at home!  My 3 year old has been whispering right along with me!  ;)  I could get used to this!
Let's hope that my health holds up through the next four days of work, then I can rest. I find it very hard to turn down events in the fall/ holiday season.  It's such a great time to get the word out about Barefoot, and reap all the benefits of good sales! 

Monday, November 22, 2010

So proud of my team!

I just need to give a little shout out to my amazing Barefoot team today!  You guys are having a great month of sales!  It's so wonderful to see!  Diane, who joined just last month is doing gangbusters up in Michigan.  Her first couple of vendor fairs were rather slow, but the Waldorf event she did this weekend kept her very busy.  In Diane's words, "Finally, people who love books & recognize the value.  Now THIS was FUN!  I love recommending books, watching big kids read to little kids, mom crying over Motherbridge of Love, helping German mom choose books in English for her kids . . . just a fantastic, fantastic event."  Ah, I love events like that! :) 
Kate just recently opened a beautiful consignment store in Wheaton, IL, where she's selling adorable children's clothes, as well as Barefoot Books.  Kate, the store is perfect, and I know it will be a success!
And welcome to my newest team member, Bridget!  Bridget and I reconnected through Facebook recently, many years after high school. You will love how supportive this group of women is, Bridget, and how fun selling Barefoot Books is.   
Don't forget about the "HARVEST" sale this weekend!  Starting this Thursday, November 25 until midnight Monday, November 29, you and your customers will enjoy a 20% discount on everything Barefoot!  Don't miss the chance to share this with your friends and family!  They are looking for great gifts for their kids, and you have them!  If you don't tell them, they won't know, so be sure to spread the word.  There's nothing better than online sales because you really don't have to do anything for them but share your website/ marketplace. :)  Many of them are not familiar (yet) with Barefoot Books, or don't know that we also carry Putumayo CD's, Folkmanis puppets, and Sarah's Silks.  
Keep up the great work everyone!  I've got my own mind set on winning that Haba rug and all those signed books. I'd love to be booking spa days with all of you in January!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What I am thankful for...

Well, my little man is turning 6 months old tomorrow.  Of course, time has flown by and it's hard to believe he is already scooting and rolling all over.  It was a little less surprising this time, given the fact that we also have a 3 year old and have been through this once before, still, it never ceases to surprise me how quickly they grow up.  
I haven't quite gotten my mind back yet.  You know that fog that happens after childbirth, that never seems to leave?  I keep leaving things I need behind, and forgetting about things I have on my schedule.  Part of it might be due to the lack of sleep I've been struggling with.  Asher, though a sweet and smiley boy, has proven to be a poor sleeper, just like his brother.  I thought for sure I would get a break this time...not so much.  I'm also dusting off my Barefoot business after a short maternity leave, and working on scheduling events to get things going again.  So far, a couple of school book fairs are on the books for December.  I'm close to making my goal of selling $5000 worth of Barefoot Books, so I can win some great prizes.  One thing I love about Barefoot is their contests and prizes.  I'm a sucker for a good contest! ;)  

Saturday, November 20, 2010


And I'm off! I've been wanting to start a blog for my Barefoot Books business for a while now.  I kept telling myself that I didn't have much to say, but then I'd find myself coming up with ideas, and funny stories I'd like to tell, and wishing I had a place to share them. I think this blog will be a balance of living life with two little ones, as well as updates about how I'm "living Barefoot". Right now I just hope to keep this updated as I steer myself through my busiest time of year!